The Cherry Reading Series: The Disappeared by Andrew Porter

The Cherry Reading Series, Department of English, and Fondren Library present...

The Disappeared by Andrew Porter

Wednesday, November 29
Anderson 117
First 25 guests receive a free copy
Limited seating, please register

The Disappeared by Andrew Porter book cover - First 25 Guests Receive a free copy

ANDREW PORTER is the author of the short story collection The Theory of Light and Matter, which won the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction, the novel In Between Days, and the short story collection The Disappeared, which was recently published in April 2023. The recipient of a Pushcart Prize and fellowships from the James Michener Foundation, the W.K. Rose Foundation, and the Helene Wurlitzer Foundation, Porter’s short stories have appeared in One Story, Ploughshares, The Southern Review, The Threepenny Review, The Missouri Review, Narrative Magazine, Epoch, Story, The Colorado Review, and Prairie Schooner, among others. A graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, Porter is currently a Professor of English and Director of the Creative Writing Program at Trinity University in San Antonio.

Andrew Porter headshot

photo by Sarah E. Cooper

Anderson 117
Event Type