Kelley Center for Government Information

About Kelley Center

The Kelley Center is the central location on Rice campus supporting Rice faculty, staff, and students as well as the general public primarily from the Congressional District #7 to search, access and use official U.S. Federal and Texas State government publications, official patent and trademark resources, as well as a large tangible maps and atlases collection, Fondren Library's large research collection of microform materials, and a large, uncataloged set of Atomic Energy Commission/Department of Energy’s technical reports, comprising of governmental and non-governmental sources, no matter for research, instruction, innovation, business, community service, civic engagement, or personal life. The possibilities are endless.

What is Government Information?

U.S. Code (44 U.S.C. 1901) defines a government document as "...informational matter which is published as an individual document at government expense or as required by law.” Every governmental division produces documents, images, or artifacts that belong to the citizens of the United States and can be accessed through a variety of means online, by written request, through the Freedom of Information Act [FOIA], or by walking into many institutions and using their libraries or other resource station. [Read more]



Federal Depository Library Program


The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) is a national program established in 1813 authorized by 44 U.S.C. § 19.

  • Its mission is “to keep America informed” AND “ensure that the American public has free equal and permanent access to government information”
  • Its vision is "to provide Government information when and where it is needed in order to create informed citizenry and an improved quality of life." (FDLP Mission, Vision, & Values)

Fondren Library is a selective federal depository library (#0608C) designated by the U.S. Congress in March 23, 1967. FDLP program has evolved with changes in information technology, but the mission and the vision stay the same. Today, the Kelley Center keeps working closely with the U.S. Government Publishing Office and a national network of 1000+ Federal depository libraries, as well as strategic partners at local, regional, and national levels to provide comprehensive services. Visit our Government Information LibGuide or contact your FDLP Representative at Fondren Library Kelley Center to learn more.

Patent and Trademark Resource Center

I color image of the PTRC logo that shows an outline of a lightbulb with a stylized human form as the lighting filament

Fondren was designated a patent depository library in July 1977; since then, the program has changed with advances in technology and the needs of innovators and entrepreneurs. Today, we are a Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC), located in and managed by the Kelley Center. The PTRC Program, supported by the United States Patent and Trademark Office, is a national network of designated libraries authorized by 35 U.S.C. § 12 to:

  • Disseminate patent and trademark information, and
  • Support diverse intellectual property needs of the public.

Maps and Microform Collections

The Kelley Center assists research and instructional needs of the Rice and Houston community by providing access to and assistance with the Library's large collection of microform materials, physical atlases and maps, and a large, uncataloged set of AEC/Department of Energy documents. Most maps and a significant portion of the microform collections are received through the U.S. Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP), with updates primarily provided in digital formats. However, these microforms and maps also include non-government publications.

Statement: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion

Kelley Center staff are implementing practices to address harmful or offensive language included as part of legacy description work. This is a work in progress; however, if you encounter harmful language in our website, research guides, finding aids or catalogs, please contact us with details about the item at or this webform for expeditious action.

Kelley Center Visitors

2025 Spring Schedule

Please note that these hours are subject to change.

  • Kelley Center Information Desk will be closed March 17-21 due to the spring break.
  • Kelley Center Staff's Regular Public Office Hours: M-F, 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM.
  • Fondren Library Building Hours

Information Desk Hours

Weekday Time slot Comment
Sun: Closed
Mon - Thu: 10:00 am-8:00 pm 12-1pm Lunch Break
Fri: 10:00 am-5:00 pm 12-1pm Lunch Break
Sat: Closed

Contact Information

Phone: (713) 348-5483
Location: Fondren Library's basement.

- Kelley Center staff, Office Suite B38.
- Kelley Center student staff, Information Desk.

Mailing Address