Rice Votes Matter



Early Voting: Oct 24-Nov 4 in Texas

Election Day: Nov 8 - if you are registered in Harris County you may vote in Sewall Hall at the Welcome Center on Election Day


Ballot information

Find your Sample Ballot

For a personalized voters guide, go to vote411.org and input your address

LWV Houston printable guide


Polling locations

Harris County (toggle between Early Voting & Election Day)

Brazoria County Early Voting Locations

Fort Bend County Early Voting Locations

Montgomery County Early Voting Locations


Helpful to bring to the polls

There are many (80-100 on average) selections to make on the ballot this year in Harris County, and we do not have straight-ticket voting as an option, so it may help to print out your sample ballot or voters guide and mark it ahead of time as a guide. Phones or other electronic devices are not allowed in the polls.


Voting machines

Here's a video guide on the new voting machines in Harris County. The top delay at polling locations is due to paper jams when feeding the paper ballots into the machine. It's great to have a paper trail but keep in mind the printers and scanners are slow and methodical and process one sheet of paper at a time.

Any other questions? Feel free to ask or come by the Civic Duty Rice Voter Education Celebration on Friday, Oct 28, 3-5 pm in the Central Quad (on the other side of Brochstein Pavilion from Fondren).

Happy voting on behalf of RICEngaged!