Services & Requests

Rice Authors, Editors, Composers, and Artists 2025
We have an annual celebration for Rice alumni, faculty, and staff who have authored a book, edited a journal, composed a major musical work, or mounted a one-person art show each year.


Accessibility Services
Fondren strives to make the library accessible to all its users. Check out our services.
Custom Map Design
The GDC can create custom map designs for classroom learning or for use in publication.
Digital Collections Accessible Format Request Form
If you need a more accessible version of a PDF, audio file, video file, or another format, please fill out the form below.
Digital Curation Lab Work Request
Please use this form to request digital curation assistance from DCL staff to work on special projects for teaching, research or those requiring attention to digital preservation.
DMC Assistance
The Digital Media Commons offers individual and work assistance by appointment.
DMC Request Appointment
Please fill out this form to request an appointment with a member of the DMC staff.
DMC Work Request
The DMC maintains a small staff that may be able to assist with your project.
Donor & Community Consultations
Woodson Research Center can provide expert advice on personal archiving, donating or selling items, donating A/V materials or appraising collections.
Duplication of Materials
This form is for patrons requesting Woodson assistance to duplicate and/or digitize Woodson materials.
Faculty Assistance
Fondren Library provides instructional and research services for Rice Faculty.
GDC Help Request Form
This form can be used to request help and/or schedule an appointment with GDC staff.
GDC Work Request
Use this form to request GIS work to be completed by the staff of the GDC.
GIS Assistance
The GIS/Data Center offers individual assistance by appointment.
GIS Consulting
The GDC can consult on your mapping project.
Off-Campus Access to Online Resources
Trying to access online resources while off-campus? You will be required to sign into the library's EZproxy service.
Office of Information Technology Student Computing Consultants
OIT has Student Computing Consultants located at the Reference Desk on the first floor of Fondren Library.
Preservation Services
Fondren does not provide preservation services to the public, but are some resources for taking care of your own private collection.
Request Consultation with Digital Scholarship Services
Please use this form to set up an appointment with DSS.
Rice Research Repository Accessible Format Request Form
This form is for requesting accessible versions of materials located in the Rice Research Repository (R-3)
SciFinder Scholar Registration Request
Patrons should use this form to request the registration link for the web version of SciFinder Scholar.
Student Assistance
Fondren Library is here to help Rice Graduate and Undergraduate Students with their research.
Woodson Scanning Assistance
Woodson Research Center can assist patrons with scanning items from the archives, rare book, or manuscript collections.


Alumni Services
Rice Alumni have access to selected Fondren Library resources through an agreement with the Association of Rice Alumni.
Borrower Application
Please use this form to register your Fondren Library borrowing account.
Borrowing Equipment
Fondren Library has a variety of equipment for checkout or use while in the building.
Borrowing Materials
Understand your borrowing responsibilities, loan periods and associated fines with a Rice ID.
Course Materials
Library books, articles, videos and other materials placed on hold for a university course at Fondren Library.
DMC Borrower's Agreement Form
DMC first time borrowers need to fill out this form.
Document Delivery
Rice Faculty and Senior University Administrators can get journal articles and books pulled from the stacks and put on hold.
Houston Institutional Borrowers
Even if you're not affiliated with Rice University directly, you may still be able to borrow items from Fondren Library. See if you're eligible...
Institutional External Borrowers
Please use this form at least 3 days before visiting Fondren Library
Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
When an item you need is not owned by Fondren Library, or is unavailable, you may request to borrow the item from another library.
Library Membership Benefits
Not affiliated with Rice? Get borrowing privileges by joining the Friends of Fondren Library.
LSC Retrieval Request
Visitors without a Rice ID can use this form to request items from off-site storage.
Missing Item Search Request
If an item is not checked out, and does not appear in the correct call number location on the shelf, you may request a search for the missing item.
On-Site ILL Approval Request
Use this form to get approval for on-site borrowing.
Patron Notification - LSC Staff
LSC Staff can use this form to notify patrons of delivery.
Recall, Renew & Return Items
Want a book that's currently checked out? Did you receive an email that an item you have is recalled? Here's what to do...
Report an Item as Returned
If you have returned an item to Fondren Library and it still shows as checked-out in your library account, this form will initiate an investigation.
Reserve, Check out, and Return DMC Equipment
DMC has 77 different types of equipment available for checkout to Rice ID Holders.
Rush Processing of In-Process Item
Request an on-order/in-process/repair item to be rushed to be able to picked up.


Archival Objects
This form auto-populates from a link in the TARO website with digital objects that have viewing restrictions.
Consent to Publish Online in Rice University's Institutional Repository
This form facilitates the description of copyright status, any transfer of copyright, and the donor’s preferences regarding online publication in Rice University’s institutional repository, located at, for the archival materials speci
Draft - Materials Purchase
Fondren Library welcomes suggestions for the collection.
Draft - Suggest a Purchase
We welcome suggestions for purchase of library materials.
Leisure Reading & Audio Books
Entertaining contemporary fiction and non-fiction books compliment Fondren's large collection of research materials.
Located in the basement of Fondren Library, the Kelley Center houses over 200 major microform collections
Rare Books
Woodson Research Center contains more than 35,000 volumes including a number of named collections.
Request for Access to Restricted Archival Materials
Please use this form to request access at the Woodson Research Center
Request for Permission to Publish Woodson Research Center (WRC) Materials
This form is an application and agreement for the use of WRC materials in a publication.
Request to Accession to LSC - WRC Staff
This form is for exclusive use by Woodson staff who wish to request accession of new materials to the Library Service Center.
Retired Faculty Services
Retired faculty may be able to access select electronic resources from off-campus.
Return Items to the LSC - WRC Staff
For WRC Staff - Login Required
Rice University Archives
The William Ward Watkin and Annie Ray Watkin University Archives contain the historical records of Rice University.
Rice University's Archived Websites - Archive-IT
Access dozens of Rice University's websites from the past. The Archive-IT service automatically archives past versions of campus websites.
Special Collections
There are more than 1,000 manuscript collections in the Woodson Research Center that focus on the history of Texas and the Greater Houston area, politics, entrepreneurship, oil and gas, architecture, women’s history, and fine and performing arts.
Subject Specialists / Librarians
Librarian specialists, who serve as liaisons to each academic department on campus, are available by e-mail, phone or appointment to assist you.
Suggest a Purchase
We welcome suggestions for purchase of library materials.
Trial Feedback
Please use this form to share your feedback on a Fondren Library trial resource.
Woodson Research Center Deed of Gift
This document transfers ownership of physical and digital materials to Rice University, and addresses donor’s preferences regarding intellectual property rights (copyright) and any restrictions on the use of the collections.


Apply to be a Library Student Ambassador
Join our student panel and have your voices heard on future renovations, spaces and services at Fondren.
Shapiro Library Staff Innovation Award Nomination Form
Have you been wowed by a Fondren Library staff member's innovative solutions to problems, exemplary service to the Rice community, can-do attitude, or all of the above? Here is your chance to honor them.
Student Jobs
Fondren Library has jobs available for students each semester.
Volunteering and Internships
Please use the summary field and keep it to one sentence if possible.


Fondren Library Publishing Support
Publishing services at Fondren Library align with the library’s efforts to deepen the impact and visibility of Rice research.
Naxos Music Library Account
This form can be used by current Rice faculty members who would like to create listening playlists within the Naxos Music Library.
Request ArcGIS Desktop Software
A list of options for accessing Esri ArcGIS software.
Request Data Assistance
Contact the Research Data Services team to discuss your research data.
Rice Open Access Policy: Waiver Request
Use this form to opt out of Rice's Open Access Policy
Rice Research Repository Policies and Procedures
Rice Research Repository Policies and Procedures
Rice Research Repository Submission
Use this form to submit your scholarly work for inclusion in the Rice Research Repository (R-3).
Sharing Data
Data Repositories
Sharing Research Data via the Rice Research Repository
The Rice Research Repository (R-3) will host data associated with Rice research projects.


Baby Changing Station
Fondren has a unisex bathroom with a changing table for your baby.
Digital Curation Lab
The Digital Curation Lab is a collaborative workspace for digitization, digital curation, and data management projects.
Locker Request Form
Faculty and graduate students may request to rent a locker in the library.
Mothers' Room
A quiet room for nursing mothers for pumping and/or nursing.
Request Exhibit Space
Members of the Rice community may request to install an exhibit in Fondren Library.
Request Study Carrel
Faculty and graduate students may request to rent a study carrel.
Scanning & Printing
Fondren Library has printers and scanners available for all users.
Study Carrels & Lockers
Fondren offers reserved, personal study spaces in the library with convenient locations, ideal for heavy research.
Study Room Advance Reservations
Fondren Library offers a few study rooms that may be reserved more than 3 days in advance.
Study Room Reservations
Fondren Library has over 40 private study rooms available for checkout to Rice ID Holders.


DMC Group Poster Printing - IDT Fund Charging Information Collection
Please fill out the fund charging information for your group poster print request at the DMC.
DMC IDT Charge Authorization
Please use this form to create an IDT charge authorization for services at the DMC.
DMC Student Esther Account Charge Authorization
Please use this form to create a charge for students only.
High School Student Permission Form
Required for entry for any student under 18.
Memorial & Honor Gifts Program
The Friends of Fondren Library Memorial & Honor Gifts Program provides funds for the purchase of books, manuscripts and electronic materials that are needed to support teaching and research at Rice University.

Training & Education

Course Evaluation Form
Evaluate your recent short course.
Data @ Rice Workshop Series
Learn beginning to advanced data and programming skills at one of our Data @ Rice workshops.
Data @ Rice Workshop Series - Fall 2023
Learn beginning to advanced data skills at one of our Data @ Rice workshops.
Data @ Rice Workshop Series - Fall 2024
Learn beginning to advanced data and programming skills at one of our Data @ Rice workshops.
Data @ Rice Workshop Series - Spring 2023
Learn beginning to advanced data skills at one of our Data @ Rice workshops.
Data @ Rice Workshop Series - Spring 2024
Learn beginning to advanced data skills at one of our Data @ Rice workshops.
Data @ Rice Workshop Series - Summer 2023
Learn beginning to advanced data skills at one of our Data @ Rice workshops.
Data @ Rice Workshop Series - Summer 2024
Learn beginning to advanced data skills at one of our Data @ Rice workshops.
Departmental and Teaching Support Consultations
Woodson staff members are available to discuss primary source materials held in the various collections of university archives and manuscripts for purposes of departmental historical research and teaching instruction.
DMC Custom Workshop Request
The Digital Media Commons is eager to work with you to offer targeted workshops focused on your needs.
DMC Workshop Series
Learn beginning to advanced skills of graphics, photography, audio, video, and research at one of our workshops.
Leganto Study Confidentiality & Consent Form
Please use this form to give consent to Fondren Library for your participation in the Leganto Study.
Library Instruction
Fondren Library provides learning opportunities in many areas, from searching the research literature to creating multimedia presentations, using data, archival research and more.
Propose a Data@Rice Workshop
Propose a new workshop topic to be offered by the Research Data Services Team
Propose a DMC Workshop
Propose a new workshop topic to be offered by the DMC Team
Request a Library Tour or Class
Fondren Library provides tours or classes for Rice courses and community schools.
Request a Workshop on Data
Contact us for a custom workshop on data from Fondren's Research Data Team
Self-Directed GIS Training
Learn GIS software at your convenience.