Unlimited Access to The New York Times

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Go to http://accessnyt.com/.

  1. Search for "Rice University"
  2. If you are setting up an account for the first time, you must use your Rice email for setup. For best practice choose a unique and secure password.
    • If you are renewing your digital subscription, be sure to use your same account by clicking on "Already have an account? Log on here >>" and sign in with your existing username/password.
  3. Check your email for a confirmation from NY Times and click on the link in the email. If you don't see the email, check your spam filter (i.e. Proofpoint). For help with this step go to https://libanswers.rice.edu/faq/272916.
  4. Confirm your account is working by going to NYT.com and clicking on 'Account'. You should see 'Digital Subscriber' listed under your username.
  5. If you use the NY Times mobile app, log out and back in.

Note: If you continue to have access issues, please contact Fondren Library at https://library.rice.edu/contact.

The library's subscription does not include any of the NYT games, including the NYT Crossword puzzle.


Please keep in mind that Fondren offers access to the articles from hundreds of newspapers and other news sources. Fondren provides a guide to both print and online newspapers made available through the library, which can be found at http://libguides.rice.edu/newspapers.


If you have access issues or other questions, please contact Fondren Library at http://library.rice.edu/contact, which is monitored by our electronic resources team.