Government Information

Introducing Legal Resources: Case Laws and Other Judicial Branch's Publications

This training session is part of a new Kelley Center series of government information literacy instruction - Unlocking the Power of Governnent Information.

This training will introduce about:

  • the court system
  • publications of court opinions
  • resources for finding case law
  • finding case law by subject
  • briefs, oral arguments, and pacer

This training is free and open to the public.


Introducing Legal Resources - Public Laws and U.S. Code

This training session is part of a new Kelley Center series of government information literacy instruction - Unlocking the Power of Governnent Information.

This training introduces about:

  • public laws
  • compilation of statutory law - U.S. Statutes at Large
  • Codification of statutory law - The United States Code
  • state laws and codes
  • digital authentication

This training is free and open to the public.


Introducing Legislative/Congressional Publications

This training session is part of a new Kelley Center series of government information literacy instruction - Unlocking the Power of Governnent Information.

This training will introduce about:

  • primary and secondary legal resources
  • Congress and its structure
  • legislative process and publications
  • other related resources
  • guides and indexes

This training is free and open to the public.


Introducing Presidential Publications

This training session is part of a new Kelley Center series of government information literacy instruction - Unlocking the Power of Governnent Information.

This training will introduce about:

  • Presidential documents
  • Controversies
  • Presidential libraries
  • Sources for speeches and publications from the Executive Office
  • Treaties

This training is free and open to the public.


Introducing Executive Branch's Publication Resources

This training session is part of a new Kelley Center series of government information literacy instruction - Unlocking the Power of Governnent Information.

This training will introduce about:

  • publications of executive branch agencies
  • how to find executive branch documents
  • spotlight on selected federal agencies and departments

This training is free and open to the public.


Unlocking the Power of Government Information: Part 1. The People's Information

This training session is the Part 1 of Kelley Center's government information literacy instruction series to unlock the power of government information. 

"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who mean to be their own governors must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives." - James Madison.

Mastering the ability to find and use government information is a fundamental skill. This competency empowers you to ensure that you can fully exercise your right to know and engage with the world in an informed way.

Introduction to Census Data and Data Tools (Zoom)

This training session is part of Kelley Center series of government information literacy instruction - Unlocking the Power of Governnent Information.


Interested in learning about available data on the U.S. population, places and economy?  This workshop provides information on the U.S. Census Bureau, the agency’s most prominent survey, available data tools and other resources. Follow along with demonstrations on how to access data using QuickFacts and, the Bureau’s main data tool.  

Introduction to HeinOnline for Legal Research

HeinOnline is "a premier online research platform that provides more than 232 million pages of multidisciplinary periodicals, essential government documents, international resources, case law, and much more. Composed of fully searchable image-based PDFs and available at an affordable price, the wealth of material allows researchers access to authoritative, true-to-print digital material without the hassle or cost of using multiple research databases."