Introduction to ORION virtual machines

Recommended prerequisites:

Attend either the Carpentries session on the Bash shell (Aug. 14-15, 2024) or “The World is at your Command…line”, or have basic familiarity with the topics covered (using the bash shell, remote access using ssh, navigating and managing files and data in Linux).


Rice has its own cloud computing service. If you need more computing than your laptop can provide, or an intermittent job that needs a server behind the firewall, we provide virtual machines that can help you do medium-sized computing jobs in a flexible environment. Come to this workshop to learn more about Rice's virtual machines / private cloud computing farm.

The course will cover using virtualized computers that allow you to customize computing environments to achieve your research goals. Topics include:

  • Virtualization concepts
  • Use cases for ORION virtual machines
  • ORION Console tour
  • Accessing your VMs: ssh keys, web VNC console
  • Demonstration of ORION Virtual Machines - creating, launching, login, and integration with the Research Data Facility (RDF)

Contact information:

Please contact if you have questions about the Data@Rice workshop series.

Fondren Library Basement B43A (Collaboration Space)
Registration Form

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